In a remote village in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu in the first half of the last century. One mother cooked only rice for her seven children. But he used to make some bread for the little boy so that he would not get hungry while reading. He used to buy kerosene oil from nominal capital so that the boy's night reading would not be disturbed. And he dreamed that the name of his son would surpass the Bay of Bengal near their house. Abul Paki's Zainul Abdin Abdul Kalam is the name of that dream cherished in a small village near the sea.
Childhood: Kalam was born in a very poor family in Rameshwaram. His father Zainul Abdin was an ordinary fisherman. He also earned money by crossing the river between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi with Hindu pilgrims. In this destitute family, Kalam had to sell paper from house to house to earn some money while he was in school.
Higher Education: After completing his schooling from Ramanathapuram Matriculation School, Kalam was admitted to St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli. After graduating from there in 1954, he went to Chennai. There he started studying aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology.
Career: In 1980, Abdul Kalam joined the Oriental Development Establishment under the Defense Research and Development Organization as a scientist. At this time he came in contact with the proverbial Indian astronomer Vikram Sarabhai, Professor Satish Dhawan and others. Kalam visited the US space agency NASA only once in 1973-74. In 1989, Abdul Kalam joined ISRO. Kalam himself was the project officer of the first Indian space launch SLV. Abdul Kalam, who dreamed of becoming a pilot in Kaisha, became India's 'Missile Man'. Under his leadership, the Government of India adopted the Integrated Missile Development Plan in the eighties. Agni, Prithvi etc. are his successful creations. From 1992 to 1999, he was the Prime Minister's Chief Scientific Adviser and Defense Research and Development Organization. (DRDO) Secretary. He was the mastermind behind the nuclear explosion that made India a nuclear power. His autobiography, Wings of Fire, was published in 1999. His other writings include India to Thousand Twenty (1998).
'Ignited Minds (2002), Mission India (2005), Inspiring Thoughts (2006), etc.
President Kalam: On July 25, 2002, Abdul Kalam was sworn in as the eleventh President of India for the next five years. He broke the tradition and opened the doors of the Presidential Palace to everyone, especially children.
Teacher Kalam: Not only scientist, Kalam was also an ideal teacher. So after the term of the President, Kalam went back to teaching. He was a regular lecturer at the Indian Institute of Management, Indian Space Research Center, Benares Hindu University, Anna University, Shillong, Indore and Ahmedabad. Abdul Kalam died of a heart attack on July 26, 2015 while speaking on the stage of an educational institution in Shillong.
Awards and Honors: Receives honorary doctorates from forty universities in India and outside India. He received Padma Bhushan (1971), Padma Vibhushan (1990) and Bharat Ratna (1997) in recognition of his work.
Bharat Ratna's Kalam wanted to take the country to the pinnacle of confidence and strength through his scientific pursuits. His life can be an eternal inspiration to the countrymen. “What we see in sleep is not a dream, a dream is what keeps us awake. Abdul Kalam has taught the nation to dream.
Abdul Kalam
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